26 Eylül 2012 Çarşamba

Brief Guide to Golf Clubs

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Onthe golf course, you can use up to 14 clubs. Any variety of clubs isallowed here, giving golfers some scope for selection. There are afew different types of club that golfers can select from.
TheWoodsTheWoods are clubs that can be used off the fairway and the tee. Fromthe 1 wood to the 7 wood, they can have slightly variable design. Aswith other clubs, the lower numbered woods are the longest clubs usedfor the longest shots off the tee with most distance, which can bebetween 300-400 yards. Higher numbered woods can be used in longergrass, or off the fairway with greater loft. Equally, the lowernumbered woods have the least loft. Generally, they have graphite orsteel shafts and some have titanium club heads.TheIronsTheirons are the most flexible clubs. They can be used off the fairwaythe tee or even for shorter play with chip shots. Ranging from thetwo irons to the nine irons, there are longer and shorter irons forselection. Considering the range, the two, three and four are longerdistance; with the five, six or seven irons more 100-175 yards andthen the eight or nine irons the shortest irons for distance. Theoverall loft is also lowest for the two iron and then increasestowards the nine iron. For short play, you can also use the ironslike the nine, eight and seven for chip shots onto the green.TheWedgesThewedges, are those clubs with the greatest loft, not usually used offthe tee but available for short play. The sand wedge is a club usedfor bunker play and bunker shots from greenside or fairway bunkers.This is one of the most lofted wedges available. These clubs are alsobest used for pitch shots, which require greater loft and littleroll. They can also be used for shorter chip shots onto the green.ThePutterTheputter is a club that is used for short play and putts on the green.Overall, this covers a good number of shots and is most often usedfor one or more putts on the green. However, it can also be used toputt onto the green. Putter designs can actually be quite variable,but like all clubs must be accepted for the market.Overall,these golf clubs make a standard set of 14. Usually, seven or eightgolf clubs will do. With multiple irons, woods then a few wedges anda putter to complete the set. While golf club design can vary, theymust be approved beforehand.

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