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Towards the end of the 19th century golf was established in America.The first American golf courses ensured a burgeoning golf industry,and a new generation of golfers for an exciting era. With this, theprofessional game took off and golf became one of the most prominentsports.
It was in the UK that the PGA (Professional Golf Association) wasfirst established in 1901. This was the first professional golf bodythat represented club professionals.
Advances in golf balls came in 1908. Taylor patented the first dimpledesign for golf balls in 1908. Such a design enhanced golf ballaerodynamics, and so allowed for players to hit balls further thanthey had before.
The U.S. Open was first established toward the end of the 19thcentury. However, in the 20th it continued to be dominated by UKgolfers up until 1911. As such, it was John McDermott who was thefirst American golfer to win the U.S. Open, and indeed a major, onAmerican soil.
This would be followed by the emergence of the PGA of America in1916. The PGA of America was founded by Robert White, and wouldrepresent American professional golfers. In addition, the first PGAChampionship coincided with the emergence of the PGA of America in1916. Held in 1916, the PGA Championship was first won by Jim Barnes.
Match-play matches involving UK and U.S. golf teams the early '20swould see the emergence of new match-play event in 1926. Founded bySamuel Ryder, the Ryder Cup began in 1927 as a biannual match-playchampionship between the best American and UK golfers. The firstRyder Cup was won convincingly by the U.S., and up until '37 thechampionship remained relatively even.
In the early '30s the Augusta National course was opened. With this,the Masters golf championship began as the Augusta NationalInvitation on March 22nd 1934. The first championship was won byHorton Smith, and then Gene Sarazen in 1935 with the course layoutreversed.
In the post-war era, with four major golf championships established,TV coverage of the game began. The U.S. Open was one of the firstgolf championships to be given such coverage by CBS.
Conferences between the USGA and R & A in 1951 would go some wayto standardising the game. The golf bodies reviewed and revised therules surrounding the sport. In addition to this, the centre-shaftedputter was also introduced for the first time.
As the '50 gave way to the '60s, new golf stars would soon emerge onthe PGA Tour. Players such as Ben Hogan and Sam Snead had set golfingstandards in the '50s. Then, in 1962 the promising golfer JackNicklaus won his first major at the U.S. Open. It would be the firstof 18 majors, a record set at the 1986 Masters.
The game became increasingly dominated by Americans in the '60s and70's. However, in the '80s golfers like Ballestoros, Faldo and Normanwould start to offer some more serious competition. This wasreflected in the Ryder Cup by some great EU teams, as well as at someof the Majors won by European players.
By the end of the 20th century, the game of golf had moresophisticated clubs and balls. With more sophisticated clubs, andperhaps also better players, new golf records were set by the likesof Woods at the U.S. Masters.
Today, the game of golf is much cherished and one of the more widelyplayed sports. In the 21st century, the sport should continue toexcite and inspire.
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