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Tucson, Arizona has a number of golf courses for golfers to play on. Theregion has a mild climate, and some great courses for the golfer totee-off from. Big name designers have helped make some excitingcourses, and the region also has golf vacation spots
ArizonaNational golf club should receive first mention. Designed by RobertJones, the course features in quite unique desert surroundings. Thecourse meanders up and down the Catalina Mountains, and has greatviews of the surrounding dessert. As a par 71, it has 6,776 yards ofgolf course and is accessible to most golfers.
As mentioned, the region has golfvacation spots. Hilton Tucson El Conquistador Golf & TennisResort is one of those. It has two 18-hole championship golf coursesand one 9-hole course. They are all exciting to play and are notexactly alike. Also located in the Catalina Mountains, on highSonoran desert, the surrounding desert plays its part in the golf. Itis the largest golf resort in the region, and is not something tomiss.
The oldest golf course in the region isthe Turquoise Valley Golf and RV. Opened in 1908, the course is mostnotable for its unique par 6 hole. The longest golf hole west of theMississippi, the hole is 747 yards long! The course itself has 6778yards and a par of 71.
If you are looking for a good selectionof courses, then head for Tucson City golf course. The Randolph golf complexis comprised of two 18-hole championship golf courses. Those being the Randolph North and Dell Urich. They are favored by the locals due to their proximity to the city, in addition to their age andheritage. Both are tree lined, parkland courses with flat fairwaysand undulated greens. Randolph is also the longest course in thecity, with a total yardage of 6863.
The Crooked Tree course is an 18-holechampionship golf course designed by Lee Trevino. It has some greatholes which have desert and mountain vistas. The course is also hostthe Arizona Open, and other tournaments.
The golf resort of The Western LaPaloma is in the foothills of the Catalina Mountain range and has two9 -hole courses along with a more unique 10 hole course. Thelegendary Jack Nicklaus designed all the courses and with otheramenities, it is a resort well worth visiting.
RyderCup Captain, Tom Lehman, had his hand in the Omni Tuscan Nationalresort. It's been the home for the PGA Tour for three decades and isa rare gem, offering two sought after golf courses at fair value. TheSanoran Course and the Catalina Course are two championship courses,which can make for a great round!
Theseare just a fairly random selection of some of the courses in Tusconof Arizona. There are more, but these are all notable courses in theregion, with famous golfers and course designers behind them. FromNicklaus to Robert Jones, big names in golf have had their mark onthe region.
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