30 Kasım 2012 Cuma

Video: Trailer For Dear Governor Cuomo

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If you have any kind of environmental slant you probably already know what "fracking" is and why it is such a hot button topic at the moment. But for those who aren't aware, fracking, or more properly hydraulic fracturing, is the process of drilling and injecting fluids into the ground at an extremely high pressure in order to fracture shale rocks to release natural gas. Proponents of the procedure see it as a way to get more natural gas out of the Earth and as an economic stimulant. Those opposed to it cite concerns with how the process will pollute both the air and more importantly the local water supply. The process has also been shown to cause contaminate the ground with chemicals at the site of the drilling too.

A new documentary film called Dear Governor Cuomo takes a look at the impact of fracking on the state of New York and how one man – Governor Andrew Cuomo – can make a huge difference simply by banning the practice. This past May, a group of musicians, actors, scientists and activists gathered in Albany, NY to ask the Governor to join the anti-fracking movement. The documentary, which is written and directed by our friend Jon Bowermaster, is a blend of moving music and a powerful message of protecting the environment.

The film is in limited release now and is an important one, even if you don't live in New York.

Video: Kayakers Have Close Encounter With Whale

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One of the things I love about kayaking is how close it allows you to get to nature. Of course, at times that can mean getting a little too close to nature. Take for example the sea kayakers in the video below, who were paddling off the coast of Norway this past weekend when they came across a humpback whale. Just how close did they get? You'll have to watch the video to see for yourself, but lets just say it's closer than most of us would feel comfortable with. I also learned from this video that certain words are universal in meaning and pronunciation, no matter the language.

Tip of the hat to my friend Laurel over at Gadling for sharing this video earlier. Very nice find.

Adventure Tech: Microsoft Surface Pro Pricing And Availability Announced

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One of the more interesting and exciting tech tools to be announced in recent months has been Microsoft's Surface tablet. With its 10" screen, touch interface and included case/keyboard, the device immediately captured the attention of travelers and adventurers who were drawn to the small size, durability and potential to be more productive than other tablets currently on the market.

When the device was announced we were told that it would come in two flavors, Surface RT and Surface Pro. The RT, which was released a month ago, runs a scaled down version of Windows 8 but still came across as a breath of fresh air for the tablet market. But the Pro version we're told will run a full version of Windows and will be powered by an Intel Core i5 processor, which is the same processor that many laptops run. When the Surface was announced, we didn't know when to expect the Pro version or how much it would cost, but yesterday Microsoft filled in the details.

The Surface Pro will be released in January and come in two configurations. The 64GB model will cost $899 and the 128GB version will be released at $999. Both system swill include a stylus for taking notes, drawing or for general handwriting input. Unfortunately, neither of the Pro models will come with the excellent Surface Touch or Typc Covers, which are standard on the RT model. Adding one to the Pro will set you back another $99. Considering these covers are a part of what sets the Surface apart from the competition, it's a bit disappointing that it isn't included out of the box.

The disappointment doesn't end there however. It seems the more powerful processor on the Surface Pro really puts a hit on the battery. Where as the RT model can last about 10 hours between recharges, the Pro is rated for just 4. That is severely limiting for a product like this one, which many of us had hoped would last all day and provide performance above and beyond similar devices from the competition.

It will be interesting to see how well the Surface Pro performs when it is actually released. The promise is there for it to be a powerful mobile device for doing a lot more work than is typically possible with other tablets, although the relatively short battery life could be a limiting factor. Still, this lightweight and very small device remains very intriguing as a communications and productivity tool for use in Base Camps around the world. Whether or not it is a suitable replacement for a laptop remains to be seen.

Needs Based Selling - Reading Your Customer's Mind

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... there is no subsitute for paying attention.

- Diane Sawyer


WALKING into the local grocery store the first week in January, I nearly tripped over a pallet of Slim Fast. I smiled at this excellent piece of "prophetic marketing" - knowing what the customer wants before she wants it.

The owner of this store knows that with each New Year nearly every American resolves to lose weight. The diet related products are in place on New Year's Eve. And he follows this marketing strategy all year long. In February, ice chests will line the high traffic areas within their stores. Outdoor accessories are on display weeks before spring arrives. School supplies are on the shelves by the end of June. This business owner anticipates each season months before its arrival.

How can you adapt prophetic marketing to your business? What seasons do your customers follow? Are they sports oriented? Do they own a boat? Do they follow the hunting seasons? Answering questions about your customers' seasonal inclinations will offer clues that enable you to anticipate their personal needs.

Another way to anticipate your customer's needs is to be sure you have everything required to use your product. For example, my wife went into a store to buy a mailbox. She picked out one made out of wood. An alert salesman pointed out that she would need to weatherproof the mailbox. He then proceeded to take her to each location for the other products she needed - sealant, sandpaper, brush, paint thinner.

Identifying what your customer wants before she wants it can place you in an invincible position. Any business can furnish customers what they want when they want it, but to give a customer what they want and how they want it before they actually want it, is Customer Service that knows no equal.

TURNAROUND TIP: This level of Customer Service is all about strategy. Below are three more ways you can learn to "read your customer's mind."

1.Help customers to identify their needs. Some people don't plan for their needs until they become urgent. Convince them of the value of pre-planning. Understand in detail your customer's business to see where your product fits in.

2.Make it a group effort. Get together with your colleagues and share information about customers and their product or service requirements. Cooperation is the key to making your business successful. Discuss ideas on problem prevention. Share current resources of information about each cust-omer.

3.Explore all of the capabilities of your products in relation to each customer. You may find that your service or product can help customers in ways they hadn't imagined. Be sure your clients fully understand all of the uses for your product or service.

By using these strategies, you will gain loyal customers, increased sales and less stress from unforeseen problems.

Needs Based Selling - Reading Your Customer's Mind

ike Dandridge md@theperformancepro.com Mike is the founder of High Voltage Performance, a consulting firm that specializes in designing customer experiences for the industrial marketplace. He is a keynote speaker and a seminar leader with 25 years experience in electrical wholesale distribution. Dandridge is author of, The One Year Business Turnaround, a book based on his years in wholesale, containing a year’s worth of ideas for improving your customer service. You may reach Mike at 254-624-6299. Visit his Website at http://www.highvoltageperformance.com. Subscribe to his blog at http://www.businessturnaround.blogs.com.

A Character Analysis of Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

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What created Goodman Brown? A man so tormented by what even he considered to be a dream that it changed his life in a profound negative way forever. Goodman Brown was man plagued by his own conscious; he was someone who believed himself to have committed grave sin by meeting with the devil and participating in a witches meeting in his dreams. This spoke of an era where people were overcome with religious guilt and superstition. As a result of Brown's dream he suspected everyone in the town of being cohorts with the devil, in addition his superstition and questioning of his own self overcame his ability to trust or believe in anyone else. He died a bitter, unhappy, miserable man.

In order to fully understand the character of Young Goodman Brown we must first understand the era he comes from. Although Hawthorne does not state directly whether or not the plot of this story takes place in Salem in the seventeenth century, his references to other characters clearly imply it does. His references to Martha Carrier, Martha Cory, and Sarah Cloyse, all women hanged as witches in 1692; as well as his reference to King William who ruled England from 1650-1702 tell of this horrid time where people killed, tortured, burned, executed and suspected that everyone from their sister to there neighbor might be in contact with the devil. As a result of this environment of suspicion and paranoia Goodman might have felt as though his dream was in reality a lack of faith on his part. He may have felt so guilty for experiencing this dream that he thought he, as well as the people in his life were guilty of coercing with the devil.


Goodman Brown might have been Hawthorne's expression of his own struggles with his faith in humanity and himself. Hawthorne was a guilt ridden person and I believe that he had many instances when his faith was tested. Brown is Hawthorne to a lesser extent. Goodman Brown starts out as a good, happy, decent man; he seems very content. All of this changes when he decides against the advice of his wife faith (the symbolism is obvious here) that he should go out on a journey into the woods to meet with the devil. I believe path in the woods to be his continued decent into metaphorical as well as literal darkness. As he continues down the woods he reaches the pinnacle of his journey when he comes upon the witches meeting. Once Brown reaches this point he loses his faith despite his last ditch effort to save his wife. He never knows if he was able to save her. This doubt is what destroyed him.

Brown's motivation for meeting with the devil is never made absolutely clear and can only be speculated by the devil's references to others that have come into his fold. He speaks of the King, Goodman's father and grandfather, the deacon, minister and mayor. The devil makes it appear that everyone with any power, success or for that matter anyone that means anything to Goodman is in fact allied with Satan. Although Goodman resists the devils temptations at first; as more and more people are brought to his attention as being followers of the dark one, the idea becomes more acceptable. I believe Brown's motivation to meet with the devil was power; he wanted an advantage over others to achieve his goals. This may have contributed to his last ditch effort to save faith when he shouted "Look up to Heaven, and resist the Wicked One". When he arrived at the witches meeting he discovered that everyone already had the advantage of being on the wicked side and had already sold there souls for money, power, or prestige. He was able to see that nothing would put him ahead of anyone else by following through with his original task. He had nothing to win and everything to lose by making an alliance with the devil. Unfortunately for Young Goodman Brown it was too late for his soul to be saved. He reached the point of no return and not only didn't he reap any benefit from his ordeal but lost every bit of happiness he previously possessed.

Goodman Brown was a man destroyed by his own obsession. He lived a miserable life as a result of the guilt he felt for embarking on a dark journey in his dreams; which resulted in his suspicion of everyone and a lack of trust for individuals in his community, himself and humanity. The only way Goodman Brown would have been able to save his faith would have been to never embark on the dark path.

by John Schlismann

A Character Analysis of Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

John Schlismann has an interest in American Literature.

To read Young Goodman Brown goto:

29 Kasım 2012 Perşembe

Red Bull Rampage To Air On NBC December 8

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A few weeks back we all enjoyed some highlights from the Red Bull Rampage free-ride mountain bike race that went down in Virgin, Utah last month, often marveling at the riders ability to defy gravity. The race features a course with some impossibly narrow trails, usually flanked by significant drops on either side, that are occasionally broken up with some massive jumps and drops. The competitors launch from a starting gate and scream down the hill to reach the finish line some 1500 feet (457 meters) below. How exactly they get there is up to them, but lets just say the results can be pretty spectacular.

If you live in the U.S. and you want to see more of the race, then you're in luck. NBC is going to be airing the Red Bull Rampage on Saturday, December 8 from 2-4 PM Eastern Time. The coverage promises to give us even more spectacular shots of these athletes putting their bikes and bodies to the test on a course that most of us would think is just plain crazy to even attempt to ride.

And if you just can't wait until December 8 to check this event out, then here's another clip from the race to get you excited. It features helmet cam footage of Darren Berrecloth as he rides through part of the course, giving you a good idea of just what kind of trail the riders are dealing with.

Win A Water Purifying Bottle And A Box Of Energy Bars From Journey Bar

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Last week I shared my thoughts on some tasty new energy bars called Journey Bars that are unique in the flavors that they offer. Rather than going with sugary-sweet tastes like so many similar products from competitors, Journey Bar has instead elected to go with savory options such as coconut curry, parmesan romano and hickory barbecue. I gave the bars high marks for offering something different and for being healthy and easy to carry along on trips, long hikes or runs.

This week Journey Bar has launched a new contest that could give you the opportunity try these new bars as well. Entering the contest is easy. All you have to do is select one of your favorite travel photos and email it to socialmedia@journeybar.com. In that email, recommend a Journey Bar flavor that you think is appropriate for the destination, such as wasabi in Japan or bacon in Canada. The most creative entries will be posted to the JB Facebook page. If yours happens to make the cut, get your friends to "like" the photo or retweet it on Twitter. The one that gets the most social media love will win the prizes.

Those prizes include both a sample box of Journey Bars and a travel water bottle with a built-in water purifying system. For more information, hit the Facebook page now.

Antarctica 2012 Update: Slowly and Steadily Heading South

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It has been a productive week in the Antarctic, where South Pole skiers are making good progress and the Lake Ellsworth research team has gotten down to business. There is still plenty of work to be done, but it is good to see some encouraging and positive news from frozen continent at last.

The skier who has suffered the most so far this season is easily Aaron Linsdau. He hit the ice early in an attempt to get as quick of start as possible on his Hercules Inlet to South Pole and back again journey. But so far weather conditions haven't cooperated and Aaron has had a very tough time gaining any kind of momentum. He seems to be getting on track a bit now, although he still has a long way to go and has dug himself in to a mileage deficit over the first few weeks of the season. Still, his daily distances are increasing and he's trying to put as positive of a spin on the situation as he can. Do give you an idea of how difficult it has been for him, yesterday he traveled for 9 hours and managed to cover 7 miles (11 km) and those numbers are an improvement over his first few weeks. Whether or not he can take it up a notch and still manage to reach his goals remains to be seen, but high winds, whiteouts, nasty surface conditions and blizzards have all worked against him thus far.

In contrast, Vilborg Arna Gissurardóttir of Iceland has been out on the ice for ten days now and yesterday she covered 20 km (12.4 miles) and crossed the 81st latitude. That means that she is actually gaining quickly on Aaron and picking up speed nicely as she makes her bid to become the first woman from her country to ski solo and unsupported to the South Pole. To be fair, Vilborg is carrying less gear and supplies with her, making it much easier for her to go faster. Her trip to 90ºS is one-way and she has no intention of trying to make it back to Hercules, where as Aaron is carrying twice the amount of supplies in the hopes of making the 1400 mile (2253 km) round-trip a reality.

Also now out on the ice and making steady progress is the In The Footsteps of Legends team. This it he group of British vets who were wounded on active duty in Iraq and Afghanistan who are making a last degree journey to the South Pole to raise funds for the Walking with the Wounded program as well as Alzheimer's Research UK. They've now been underway for a total of four days and have managed to cover a bit over 10 miles (16 km) so far. Their entire journey is expected to take about 19 days to complete, so they're just getting warmed up. These first few days have been spent acclimatizing to the conditions (temperatures have been around -25ºC/-13ºF) and getting use to pulling their heavy sleds filled with gear. After another day or so of getting their legs under them, I would expect that we'll start to see them pick up momentum as well.

Finally, the entire Lake Ellsworth team is finally onsite for their research project which entails drilling through 3 km (1.8 miles) of ice to reach a subglacial lake. Their intention is to take water samples from that lake in hopes of gaining insights into what the climate in Antarctica was like thousands of years ago and to see if there is any life there now. The team has already drilled the first sections of the hole, but they are still bringing their heavy equipment online, so the project has yet to ramp up fully. One of their first tasks will be to collect a massive amount of snow that they can use as melt water inside the drilling system. The estimate they will need about 90,000 liters (23,775 gallons) of water to run the drill, which means they first have to collect about 270,000 liters of snow. Fortunately they have plenty of heavy equipment to help collect the snow, but all of it will have to be fed into the drilling system by hand. That will certainly keep them busy over the next few days.

That's all for now. More teams heading out on the ice soon and activity seems to be increasing on schedule. December is going to be a busy month at the bottom of the world.

Needs Based Selling - Reading Your Customer's Mind

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... there is no subsitute for paying attention.

- Diane Sawyer


WALKING into the local grocery store the first week in January, I nearly tripped over a pallet of Slim Fast. I smiled at this excellent piece of "prophetic marketing" - knowing what the customer wants before she wants it.

The owner of this store knows that with each New Year nearly every American resolves to lose weight. The diet related products are in place on New Year's Eve. And he follows this marketing strategy all year long. In February, ice chests will line the high traffic areas within their stores. Outdoor accessories are on display weeks before spring arrives. School supplies are on the shelves by the end of June. This business owner anticipates each season months before its arrival.

How can you adapt prophetic marketing to your business? What seasons do your customers follow? Are they sports oriented? Do they own a boat? Do they follow the hunting seasons? Answering questions about your customers' seasonal inclinations will offer clues that enable you to anticipate their personal needs.

Another way to anticipate your customer's needs is to be sure you have everything required to use your product. For example, my wife went into a store to buy a mailbox. She picked out one made out of wood. An alert salesman pointed out that she would need to weatherproof the mailbox. He then proceeded to take her to each location for the other products she needed - sealant, sandpaper, brush, paint thinner.

Identifying what your customer wants before she wants it can place you in an invincible position. Any business can furnish customers what they want when they want it, but to give a customer what they want and how they want it before they actually want it, is Customer Service that knows no equal.

TURNAROUND TIP: This level of Customer Service is all about strategy. Below are three more ways you can learn to "read your customer's mind."

1.Help customers to identify their needs. Some people don't plan for their needs until they become urgent. Convince them of the value of pre-planning. Understand in detail your customer's business to see where your product fits in.

2.Make it a group effort. Get together with your colleagues and share information about customers and their product or service requirements. Cooperation is the key to making your business successful. Discuss ideas on problem prevention. Share current resources of information about each cust-omer.

3.Explore all of the capabilities of your products in relation to each customer. You may find that your service or product can help customers in ways they hadn't imagined. Be sure your clients fully understand all of the uses for your product or service.

By using these strategies, you will gain loyal customers, increased sales and less stress from unforeseen problems.

Needs Based Selling - Reading Your Customer's Mind

ike Dandridge md@theperformancepro.com Mike is the founder of High Voltage Performance, a consulting firm that specializes in designing customer experiences for the industrial marketplace. He is a keynote speaker and a seminar leader with 25 years experience in electrical wholesale distribution. Dandridge is author of, The One Year Business Turnaround, a book based on his years in wholesale, containing a year’s worth of ideas for improving your customer service. You may reach Mike at 254-624-6299. Visit his Website at http://www.highvoltageperformance.com. Subscribe to his blog at http://www.businessturnaround.blogs.com.

A Character Analysis of Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

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What created Goodman Brown? A man so tormented by what even he considered to be a dream that it changed his life in a profound negative way forever. Goodman Brown was man plagued by his own conscious; he was someone who believed himself to have committed grave sin by meeting with the devil and participating in a witches meeting in his dreams. This spoke of an era where people were overcome with religious guilt and superstition. As a result of Brown's dream he suspected everyone in the town of being cohorts with the devil, in addition his superstition and questioning of his own self overcame his ability to trust or believe in anyone else. He died a bitter, unhappy, miserable man.

In order to fully understand the character of Young Goodman Brown we must first understand the era he comes from. Although Hawthorne does not state directly whether or not the plot of this story takes place in Salem in the seventeenth century, his references to other characters clearly imply it does. His references to Martha Carrier, Martha Cory, and Sarah Cloyse, all women hanged as witches in 1692; as well as his reference to King William who ruled England from 1650-1702 tell of this horrid time where people killed, tortured, burned, executed and suspected that everyone from their sister to there neighbor might be in contact with the devil. As a result of this environment of suspicion and paranoia Goodman might have felt as though his dream was in reality a lack of faith on his part. He may have felt so guilty for experiencing this dream that he thought he, as well as the people in his life were guilty of coercing with the devil.


Goodman Brown might have been Hawthorne's expression of his own struggles with his faith in humanity and himself. Hawthorne was a guilt ridden person and I believe that he had many instances when his faith was tested. Brown is Hawthorne to a lesser extent. Goodman Brown starts out as a good, happy, decent man; he seems very content. All of this changes when he decides against the advice of his wife faith (the symbolism is obvious here) that he should go out on a journey into the woods to meet with the devil. I believe path in the woods to be his continued decent into metaphorical as well as literal darkness. As he continues down the woods he reaches the pinnacle of his journey when he comes upon the witches meeting. Once Brown reaches this point he loses his faith despite his last ditch effort to save his wife. He never knows if he was able to save her. This doubt is what destroyed him.

Brown's motivation for meeting with the devil is never made absolutely clear and can only be speculated by the devil's references to others that have come into his fold. He speaks of the King, Goodman's father and grandfather, the deacon, minister and mayor. The devil makes it appear that everyone with any power, success or for that matter anyone that means anything to Goodman is in fact allied with Satan. Although Goodman resists the devils temptations at first; as more and more people are brought to his attention as being followers of the dark one, the idea becomes more acceptable. I believe Brown's motivation to meet with the devil was power; he wanted an advantage over others to achieve his goals. This may have contributed to his last ditch effort to save faith when he shouted "Look up to Heaven, and resist the Wicked One". When he arrived at the witches meeting he discovered that everyone already had the advantage of being on the wicked side and had already sold there souls for money, power, or prestige. He was able to see that nothing would put him ahead of anyone else by following through with his original task. He had nothing to win and everything to lose by making an alliance with the devil. Unfortunately for Young Goodman Brown it was too late for his soul to be saved. He reached the point of no return and not only didn't he reap any benefit from his ordeal but lost every bit of happiness he previously possessed.

Goodman Brown was a man destroyed by his own obsession. He lived a miserable life as a result of the guilt he felt for embarking on a dark journey in his dreams; which resulted in his suspicion of everyone and a lack of trust for individuals in his community, himself and humanity. The only way Goodman Brown would have been able to save his faith would have been to never embark on the dark path.

by John Schlismann

A Character Analysis of Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

John Schlismann has an interest in American Literature.

To read Young Goodman Brown goto:

28 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba

Video: Polar Training In Greenland

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In 2013 a team of polar explorers that includes the likes of Ben Saunders, Martin Hartley and Alastair Humphreys is planning on making an unsupported round-trip South Pole expedition that will cover more than 1800 miles (2896 km). Preparing for such a journey is never easy, particularly since it is difficult to locate a place that can replicate the kind of conditions that you'll find in the Antarctic.

Greenland is one such place as it offers up plenty of snow and ice, not to mention sub-zero temperatures and high winds. Last year the three men spent two weeks in Greenland training for their South Pole expedition. The short film below was shot during that outing and serves as a great example of the efforts that polar explorers go through to get ready for the rigors of the trail. The video is 20 minutes in length and beautifully shot. I hope you enjoy it.

Greenland from Studiocanoe on Vimeo.

Nat Geo's Ultimate Adventure Bucket List

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Looking for some suggestions on where to go and what to do on your next escape? Then check out the Ultimate Adventure Bucket List courtesy of National Geographic Adventure. The list was compiled by Nat Geo editors who asked past Adventurer of the Year winners to share their biggest, best and most outrageous expeditions from the past. The result is 20 great stories that will have you plotting your next excursion as well.

Some of the epic adventures include surfer Maya Gabeira traveling to Alaska to ride big waves off the coast of that state. If that doesn't get your adrenaline flowing that perhaps Dean Potter's account of Free climbing the Eiger in Switzerland or Trip Jenning's paddle down the Pandi River in Papua New Guinea is more your speed. For polar explorer Borge Ousland the dream trip was a solo expedition to the North Pole and for climber Cory Richards it was a trek to the top of Gasherbrum II in Pakistan.

Each of the Dream Trip listings also includes a bio of each of the Adventurers as well as their pick for a single piece of gear that they take with them on their expeditions. Those gear items include everything from GoPro cameras to sunglasses and backpacks and so much more. I found the gear picks to be particularly interesting as it gives you some insight into what these daring men and women value while they're out on the their adventures.

Now obviously these dream trips are beyond the means for many of us, but they can also serve as a source of inspiration. For instance, you may not be ready to try to take on an 8000 meter Himalayan peak, but perhaps Kilimanjaro is the mountaineering adventure you crave. Similarly, you may not have the means to go hiking trails in Iceland, but there are probably some excellent backpacking trails within driving distance that might prove interesting as well. The point is, we can all gain inspiration from this "bucket list" even if we don't have the opportunity to do the same journeys ourselves.

Celebrate 50 Years Of American History On Everest With The Himalayan Stove Project

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Without a doubt, 1963 was an incredibly important year in terms of American history on Everest. On May 1 of that year, Jim Whittaker made the first successful summit of the mountain by an American and three weeks later he was joined by Willi Unsoeld and Tom Hornbein who completed the first ascent along the difficult West Ridge. It was a season for the ages at a time when the number summits in any given year could be counted on two hands. It was a very different era on the world's tallest peak, before anyone ever used the words "over crowding" to describe the scene there. 
In 2013 we'll celebrate the 50th anniversaries of those historic climbs and I'm sure that next spring there will be plenty of pomp and circumstance surrounding the anniversary. But my friends over at the Himalayan Stove Project are kicking off the celebration early with a special fund raising event that will run for a very limited time. The organization is offering a special USA on Mount Everest poster that has been commissioned specifically for the HSP. 
Only 250 of the limited edition and numbered posters have been printed and they'll only be available while supplies last or until the end of December. The posters are available with a $250 donation to the Himalayan Stove Project, with all proceeds going directly towards delivering clean and efficient cook stoves to people living in Nepal. The organization has set a goal for itself of delivering 10,000 such stoves over the next five years and our contributions will help achieve that goal while dramatically altering lives at the same time. 
To make a contribution to this great cause, and get your hands on one of these beautiful posters, head over to the HSP donations page. This one of a kind print would make a fantastic gift for the Everest fanatic on your holiday list this year, but you'll want to order soon. These posters are likely to get snatched up very quickly and once they're gone, they're gone. 

Last Desert Antarctic Marathon Underway

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One of the more unique ultra-marathon events in the world got underway this past weekend with the start of the Last Desert marathon in Antarctica. The event annually draws a group of very dedicated runners who travel to the bottom of the world to compete in an endurance event in one of the more extreme environments on the planet.

The seven-day, six-stage race if the fourth and final event in the 4 Deserts ultra-marathon series. In order to compete in the Last Desert, the 49 competitors, from 27 countries, first had to finish at least two of the other three events. Those races are held in the Sahara, Atacama and Gobi Deserts and are equally as grueling as this one.

 The Last Desert course covers 250 km (155 miles) that are spread out over six days of racing. During that time, the athletes will visit such locations as the South Shetland Islands, Jougla Point, Petermann Island and Deception Island. Those locations will serve as the challenging and dramatic backdrops for one promises to be one of the most difficult endurance challenges that these competitors will ever encounter.

Simply getting to the starting line of this race is quite an endeavor. The competitors first had to fly to Ushuaia, Argentina where they then boarded a ship to sail across the infamous Drake Passage, a place that is well known for its rough seas and unpredictable weather. With that crossing complete, they were then free to begin their week-long test of endurance, during which they are running more than a marathon each day in conditions that include plenty of ice and snow that can be as much as a meter deep.

The Last Marathon will run through Sunday of this week and at its completion, the entire group will once again have to sail across the Southern Ocean to return to Ushuaia.

Pretty amazing event. I have a great deal of respect for these men and women and their obvious love for  running long distances in somewhat less than ideal conditions.

Don't Forget the Yardage Chart

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The yardage chart is one of the handiest things to have for a round. Yardage charts are those hole-by-hole sketches of golf courses, which include details of the relative hole yardages at various points on the hole. They can highlight yardages from various points off the green, not merely the tee to green yardage of the hole that's noted on the main scorecard anyway.

A lot of course scorecards include small course yardage charts on the back of them. Note that you can note down additional yardage points onto them with a ruler and calculator if they lack details. Multiply the yardage total by percentages, and then note their relative yardage position on the hole yardage chart. For example, the half yardage of the hole would be 0.5 x total yardage.

However, some golf clubs may also have larger, more detailed, mini-booklets which provide details for the hole yardages, and will also highlight the relative positions of the bunkers, ponds etc more closely. If so, add the mini-booklet to your bag. They can provide much more detail than what might be included on the back of a scorecard.

Either way, you should have some sort of yardage chart for the round. Especially if you are unfamiliar with the course and its layout.

A more detailed hole yardage chart
which highlights a variety of yardages. 

27 Kasım 2012 Salı

All-Female Rowing Team To Cross Pacific In 2013

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A four-woman rowing team is gearing up to take on the Pacific Ocean next summer. The crew, which consists of Annabel Hancock, Laura Penhaul, Becky Scott and Wendy Hilton, intend to set out on their three-stage crossing next June, departing from San Francisco on what is expected to be a six month long, 8500+ mile (13,680 km) journey.

The Coxless Rowers will spend their first 50 days out on the water by rowing from their launching point to the Hawaiian Islands, covering more than 3000 miles (4828 km) in the process. Following the completion of that stage, they'll move on to the second, 2600+ mile (4185 km), 60 day row that begins in Hawaii and ends in Samoa. Finally, they'll wrap things up with a third leg that well cover some 2810 miles (4522 km) between Samoa and Cairns, Australia.

The ladies are hoping to become the first all female team of four to row across the Pacific. As we all know, Roz Savage did it solo a few years back, but in her case she rowed one stage per year over the course of three years. The Coxless Rowers are hoping to push straight on through, manning the oars in two-hour shifts, 24-hours per day while out on the ocean.

At the moment, the team is focused on their training and getting their new boat read for the sea. They hope to take possession of that boat sometime in December and begin testing it out on the water in January after it has been completely outfitted. That should give them plenty of time to be ready for their June 2013 launch.

Follow their progress on their website, Facebook page and Twitter feed.

Swisse Mark Webber Tasmania Challenge Adventure Race Begins Wednesday

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The 2012 adventure racing season isn't finished quite yet. On Wednesday of this week, the Swisse Mark Webber Tasmania  Challenge will get underway, pitting some of the best endurance athletes in the world against one another on five-day stage race that will cover more than 350 km (217 miles) of Australian wilderness.

Like most other adventure races, the Tasmania Challenge pits teams of two or three against one another  on a wilderness course that they will need to run, mountain bike and paddle through. Other challenges will crop up on a daily basis as well, pushing racers to their limit by testing their skills at navigation, climbing and a variety of other activities. And since this is a stage race, each of the five days will have a clearly defined start and finish line, which makes it easier for fans to follow along at home. Look for live tracking and regular updates from each stage to begin appearing on the race website on Wednesday.

The race is put on by F1 driver Mark Webber, who also happens to be a big fan of adventure racing. It is designed to be used as a fund raiser for charities in Australia and 100% of the proceeds generated from the race are given to those causes. This year the money will go to the Save the Tasmanian Devil Appeal, a group dedicated to helping find a cure to a rare strain of transferrable cancer that afflicts that species.

All the action gets underway on Wednesday morning local time and runs through Sunday when a champion is crowned.

Man Visits Every Country In The World Without Flying

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According to this article from The Age, a British man has earned the distinction of becoming the first person to visit every nation on the planet without flying. 33-year old Graham Hughes says that he has spent the better part of the past four years traveling the globe to accomplish this feat, ending his quest by crossing into the Earth's newest country, South Sudan, a few days ago.

Hughes says that his journey began on January 1, 2009 in Uruguay. Since then he has spent 1426 days traveling almost non-stop, visiting 201 countries in the process. In addition to visiting all 193 members of the United Nations, he has also dropped by the Vatican, Kosovo, Taiwan, Palestine and the Western Sahara.

Graham tells The Age that he actually had four rules for how he would travel. In addition to not flying anywhere, he also vowed to not drive his own vehicle either. He could only take scheduled ground transportation and his definition of visiting a country meant that he had to step foot on dry land.

The world traveler says that visiting places like Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia, while dangerous, were actually quite easy. Because those countries lack proper border controls, it was easy to sneak into them. Thats in contrast to Russia for instance, where he was arrested while crossing the border. He was also tossed into a jail in the Congo for a week as well. The hardest places to visit? Those would be the tiny island nations of the South Pacific, which are difficult to reach by anything other than an aircraft.

Hughes undertook this journey to raise funds for WaterAid, an organization dedicated to finding clean drinking water for developing parts of the world. He also apparently has stockpiled quite a few photos from his journey and posted them to his website, but as of this writing the site appears to be down.

As someone who absolutely loves to visit the remote corners of the globe, I have to say I'm a bit jealous of Graham's travels. But then again, he was also knocking off countries at a surprising pace (133 in 2009 alone!) which doesn't really allow for someone to get a true taste of the culture. While he has had the opportunity to visit some amazing places, I have to imagine that he doesn't remember much about many of them nor did he really get the opportunity to enjoy many of them either. I do love that he traveled over land however, as that experience is unlike any other.

Thanks to my friend Alan for sharing this great story this morning. It definitely has me thinking about my next journey!

Needs Based Selling - Reading Your Customer's Mind

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... there is no subsitute for paying attention.

- Diane Sawyer


WALKING into the local grocery store the first week in January, I nearly tripped over a pallet of Slim Fast. I smiled at this excellent piece of "prophetic marketing" - knowing what the customer wants before she wants it.

The owner of this store knows that with each New Year nearly every American resolves to lose weight. The diet related products are in place on New Year's Eve. And he follows this marketing strategy all year long. In February, ice chests will line the high traffic areas within their stores. Outdoor accessories are on display weeks before spring arrives. School supplies are on the shelves by the end of June. This business owner anticipates each season months before its arrival.

How can you adapt prophetic marketing to your business? What seasons do your customers follow? Are they sports oriented? Do they own a boat? Do they follow the hunting seasons? Answering questions about your customers' seasonal inclinations will offer clues that enable you to anticipate their personal needs.

Another way to anticipate your customer's needs is to be sure you have everything required to use your product. For example, my wife went into a store to buy a mailbox. She picked out one made out of wood. An alert salesman pointed out that she would need to weatherproof the mailbox. He then proceeded to take her to each location for the other products she needed - sealant, sandpaper, brush, paint thinner.

Identifying what your customer wants before she wants it can place you in an invincible position. Any business can furnish customers what they want when they want it, but to give a customer what they want and how they want it before they actually want it, is Customer Service that knows no equal.

TURNAROUND TIP: This level of Customer Service is all about strategy. Below are three more ways you can learn to "read your customer's mind."

1.Help customers to identify their needs. Some people don't plan for their needs until they become urgent. Convince them of the value of pre-planning. Understand in detail your customer's business to see where your product fits in.

2.Make it a group effort. Get together with your colleagues and share information about customers and their product or service requirements. Cooperation is the key to making your business successful. Discuss ideas on problem prevention. Share current resources of information about each cust-omer.

3.Explore all of the capabilities of your products in relation to each customer. You may find that your service or product can help customers in ways they hadn't imagined. Be sure your clients fully understand all of the uses for your product or service.

By using these strategies, you will gain loyal customers, increased sales and less stress from unforeseen problems.

Needs Based Selling - Reading Your Customer's Mind

ike Dandridge md@theperformancepro.com Mike is the founder of High Voltage Performance, a consulting firm that specializes in designing customer experiences for the industrial marketplace. He is a keynote speaker and a seminar leader with 25 years experience in electrical wholesale distribution. Dandridge is author of, The One Year Business Turnaround, a book based on his years in wholesale, containing a year’s worth of ideas for improving your customer service. You may reach Mike at 254-624-6299. Visit his Website at http://www.highvoltageperformance.com. Subscribe to his blog at http://www.businessturnaround.blogs.com.

A Character Analysis of Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

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What created Goodman Brown? A man so tormented by what even he considered to be a dream that it changed his life in a profound negative way forever. Goodman Brown was man plagued by his own conscious; he was someone who believed himself to have committed grave sin by meeting with the devil and participating in a witches meeting in his dreams. This spoke of an era where people were overcome with religious guilt and superstition. As a result of Brown's dream he suspected everyone in the town of being cohorts with the devil, in addition his superstition and questioning of his own self overcame his ability to trust or believe in anyone else. He died a bitter, unhappy, miserable man.

In order to fully understand the character of Young Goodman Brown we must first understand the era he comes from. Although Hawthorne does not state directly whether or not the plot of this story takes place in Salem in the seventeenth century, his references to other characters clearly imply it does. His references to Martha Carrier, Martha Cory, and Sarah Cloyse, all women hanged as witches in 1692; as well as his reference to King William who ruled England from 1650-1702 tell of this horrid time where people killed, tortured, burned, executed and suspected that everyone from their sister to there neighbor might be in contact with the devil. As a result of this environment of suspicion and paranoia Goodman might have felt as though his dream was in reality a lack of faith on his part. He may have felt so guilty for experiencing this dream that he thought he, as well as the people in his life were guilty of coercing with the devil.


Goodman Brown might have been Hawthorne's expression of his own struggles with his faith in humanity and himself. Hawthorne was a guilt ridden person and I believe that he had many instances when his faith was tested. Brown is Hawthorne to a lesser extent. Goodman Brown starts out as a good, happy, decent man; he seems very content. All of this changes when he decides against the advice of his wife faith (the symbolism is obvious here) that he should go out on a journey into the woods to meet with the devil. I believe path in the woods to be his continued decent into metaphorical as well as literal darkness. As he continues down the woods he reaches the pinnacle of his journey when he comes upon the witches meeting. Once Brown reaches this point he loses his faith despite his last ditch effort to save his wife. He never knows if he was able to save her. This doubt is what destroyed him.

Brown's motivation for meeting with the devil is never made absolutely clear and can only be speculated by the devil's references to others that have come into his fold. He speaks of the King, Goodman's father and grandfather, the deacon, minister and mayor. The devil makes it appear that everyone with any power, success or for that matter anyone that means anything to Goodman is in fact allied with Satan. Although Goodman resists the devils temptations at first; as more and more people are brought to his attention as being followers of the dark one, the idea becomes more acceptable. I believe Brown's motivation to meet with the devil was power; he wanted an advantage over others to achieve his goals. This may have contributed to his last ditch effort to save faith when he shouted "Look up to Heaven, and resist the Wicked One". When he arrived at the witches meeting he discovered that everyone already had the advantage of being on the wicked side and had already sold there souls for money, power, or prestige. He was able to see that nothing would put him ahead of anyone else by following through with his original task. He had nothing to win and everything to lose by making an alliance with the devil. Unfortunately for Young Goodman Brown it was too late for his soul to be saved. He reached the point of no return and not only didn't he reap any benefit from his ordeal but lost every bit of happiness he previously possessed.

Goodman Brown was a man destroyed by his own obsession. He lived a miserable life as a result of the guilt he felt for embarking on a dark journey in his dreams; which resulted in his suspicion of everyone and a lack of trust for individuals in his community, himself and humanity. The only way Goodman Brown would have been able to save his faith would have been to never embark on the dark path.

by John Schlismann

A Character Analysis of Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

John Schlismann has an interest in American Literature.

To read Young Goodman Brown goto:

26 Kasım 2012 Pazartesi

Antarctica 2012 Update: Aaron Can't Catch A Break

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I've been following Aaron Linsdau's progress in Antarctica very closely since he got underway two weeks ago, and it is regularly been my lead story in these Antarctic updates. For those who haven't been following so far, Aaron is hoping to become the first American to ski solo and unsupported from Hercules Inlet to the South Pole and back. Something that has only been done by three other people. In order to cover the 1400+ miles (2250 km) that this journey will cover, he arrived in the Antarctic plenty early. But unfortunately nothing has gone his way and he is barely making any progress at all, something that continues to be evident on his almost daily dispatches.
To give you an idea of just how tough the expedition is thus far, you need only look to yesterday's dispatch in which Aaron says that he managed to cover just 1.5 nautical miles (2.7 km) in 5.5 hours of walking. Part of that was due to the incessant 40-50 knot winds and the continued poor surface conditions. Because the ground he is walking on is mostly hard ice and not snow, he hasn't been using his skis as much as he would like. Those conditions have also made it difficult to walk, or even stand, at times and when you're dragging a 300 pound (136 kg) sled behind you, it begins to take its toll after awhile.
Aaron also reports that his climb up to the Antarctic plateau has gotten much steepr, which won't help matters either. Any polar explorer will tell you that is a long tough slog to the top, but once it is finished, the run to the South Pole itself actually gets a bit easier. At the moment, I think Aaron would appreciate anything that helps him move faster, but he has a long climb ahead of him before that happens.As I've mentioned over the past few updates, the weather has been absolutely terrible in the Antarctic as well, and Aaron seems to be taking the brunt of that too. High winds, whiteouts and blizzards have all conspired against him and slowed his pace to a crawl. Considering how slow his first two weeks have been, I'm not sure at this point how he can make up the mileage and complete this round-trip journey. He'll definitely have a lot of miles to make up once things improve. 
I've been following Antarctic expeditions for a number of years now and I can tell you that I'm agonizing along with Aaron every time he posts a new dispatch. It is not uncommon for progress to be slow at the start of an expedition such as this one, but this is just so much worse than we would normally expect. If it is hard for us to read this progress reports from a safe and warm location, I can only imagine how bad Aaron must feel while exhausted in a tent at the bottom of the world. 
Lets hope things get better for him soon. He seems like he really wants to complete this journey, but Mother Nature isn't going to give it up easy. 

Paddler Makes First (Illegal) Descent Of Italy's Marmore Falls

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EpicTV posted an interesting story today that has me a bit conflicted. The article talks about the first descent of Marmore Falls in Italy by kayaker Dario Vanacore and even features some impressive photos from the stunt. The falls, which stand 165 meters (540 ft) in height, are amongst the tallest in all of Europe and are a popular tourist attraction as well. They feature a three-stepped drop and were partially carved by the Romans to help facilitate the flow of water into Rome, which gives them both a natural beauty and historical significance.

The problem is, paddling the falls is illegal and Vanacore had to take some clandestine maneuvers in order to go over the spectacular 25 meter (81 foot) section of the falls that he was able to successfully ran. According to EpicTV, Dario snuck onto the premises after dark and stashed his boat and paddling gear in an out of the way area. The next day he strolled into the area in his street clothes, slipped into the area where his kayak was hidden, changed into his paddling gear and went over the falls. Once at the bottom, he simply paddled away without any contact with the authorities.

Apparently Vanacore took the plunge six months ago, but because he didn't document his drop, he decided to go back and do it again. This time with photographers, and presumably a helmet cam, to capture the moment.  The image shown here and on EpicTV's website are from that second run down the Marmore.

So here is my conundrum. While I applaud these bold kayakers who make these impressive drops over these massive falls, I am a bit dismayed that Dario did this knowing full well that it is illegal. I think the paddlers who take these plunges must have nerves of steel and more guts than I would have, but I have a hard time condoning their actions when they are running a river (or falls) illegally. It is these kinds of actions that give outdoor athletes a bad name and cause others to be met with suspicion even when they aren't doing anything wrong. There is already enough opposition toward riding mountain bikes on certain trails, climbing on certain walls or paddling some rivers. We don't need to be giving fuel to any argument that prevents us from enjoying the outdoors because certain athletes want to climb, ride or paddle where they aren't suppose to be. See Dean Potter's climb of Delicate Arch from a few years back as an example.

I suspect that Vanacore may still receive a visit from the long arm of the law now that it is known that he is the one who made the illegal drop. If not, he should count himself lucky and move on. I salute him for his adventurous spirit but kindly request he keep future first descents on rivers and water falls that we are allowed to paddle.

Antarctica 2012 Update: Struggles Continue

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While I've been away enjoying the holiday break here in the U.S. the intrepid teams of polar explorers that we've been following in the Antarctic have continued their expeditions on the frozen continent. Despite the fact that a few days have passed since our last update, conditions haven't necessarily improved much and the early South Pole skiers are struggling against a number of challenges.

The one who seems to be struggling the most at this point is 24-year old American Aaron Linsdau. As you probably recall, Aaron is hoping to make the roundtrip journey from Hercules Inlet to the South Pole and back, covering more than 1400 miles (2253 km) in the process. So far there have been few things that have gone his way and he has struggled to put any significant dent into that distance over the course of his first three weeks out on the ice. For what ever reason, Aaron's method of travel simply hasn't been all that efficient and he has spent long days covering short distances.

On top of that, he has also now developed chilblains on his hip, which could be a cause for concern moving forward. The condition stems from someone being exposed to cold and humid conditions for a prolonged period of time, creating blisters on the skin that can cause itching, inflammation and infections. Aaron has been taking step to prevent the blisters from cracking, but it sounds like it is painful condition to be dealing with right now.

Fortunately he was able to speak to Antarctic skier Hannah McKeand who offered him some advice on how to travel more efficiently in the demanding polar conditions. Hannah has made several trips to the South Pole over the past few years and will be guiding another team to 90ºS soon, so she is an expert on travel on the frozen continent. Aaron hopes to use her tips to help start covering more ground in less amount of time, but if he isn't able to generate more speed, he'll have to consider his options for what he can accomplish during his time in Antarctica. He says that he has already been in contact with ALE and  is weighing some choices at the moment. If I had to guess, I would bet the journey will be cut in half, ending at the South Pole rather than attempting the turn around back to Hercules. But for now we'll just have to wait and see if Aaron can pick up the pace.

Meanwhile, Icelandic solo-skier Vilborg Arna Gissurardóttir has been out on the ice for a full week now and is certainly making better progress that Linsdau. She's covering between 9-10 miles (14-16 km) per day despite the surface conditions not being optimal. Vilborg says she's been encountering a lot of sastrugi – small ridges in the ice – which are hard on the body and the gear. Throw in some strong headwinds and at the end of the day she's crawling into her tent exhausted. Still, se remains in good spirits, has her focus squarely on the South Pole and is covering the distances she needs in the early days of this kind of expedition. Once she reaches the Antarctic Plateau, I suspect she'll be off and running quite nicely.

A new group of skiers arrived in the Antarctic yesterday and are currently at Union Glacier preparing to start their journey to the South Pole as well. They are part of the In The Footsteps of Legends team who are celebrating the 100th anniversary of Robert Falcon Scott's fateful expedition to the bottom of the world. The squad, which is led by Justin Packshaw and David Hempleman-Adams, mainly consists of British soldiers who were injured while on active duty in Afghanistan or Iraq. The team is making a 19-day, 140-mile journey the South Pole to raise funds for the Walking With The Wounded and the Alzheimer's Research UK organizations.

Finally, Eric Larsen is busy getting ready for his Cycle South expedition during which he'll be riding a specially outfitted bike to the South Pole. He hopes to set out in just three weeks time and before he gets underway there are a lot of details to consider. Eric shares many of those details in a blog post today that anyone who is interested in expedition logistics will find quite interesting. He talks gear, training, menu planning a whole lot more. It is a good read for those considering their own Antarctic expedition or simply just want to know more about what goes into one.

That's all for now. More updates later this week as we see new arrivals setting out at last.

Needs Based Selling - Reading Your Customer's Mind

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... there is no subsitute for paying attention.

- Diane Sawyer


WALKING into the local grocery store the first week in January, I nearly tripped over a pallet of Slim Fast. I smiled at this excellent piece of "prophetic marketing" - knowing what the customer wants before she wants it.

The owner of this store knows that with each New Year nearly every American resolves to lose weight. The diet related products are in place on New Year's Eve. And he follows this marketing strategy all year long. In February, ice chests will line the high traffic areas within their stores. Outdoor accessories are on display weeks before spring arrives. School supplies are on the shelves by the end of June. This business owner anticipates each season months before its arrival.

How can you adapt prophetic marketing to your business? What seasons do your customers follow? Are they sports oriented? Do they own a boat? Do they follow the hunting seasons? Answering questions about your customers' seasonal inclinations will offer clues that enable you to anticipate their personal needs.

Another way to anticipate your customer's needs is to be sure you have everything required to use your product. For example, my wife went into a store to buy a mailbox. She picked out one made out of wood. An alert salesman pointed out that she would need to weatherproof the mailbox. He then proceeded to take her to each location for the other products she needed - sealant, sandpaper, brush, paint thinner.

Identifying what your customer wants before she wants it can place you in an invincible position. Any business can furnish customers what they want when they want it, but to give a customer what they want and how they want it before they actually want it, is Customer Service that knows no equal.

TURNAROUND TIP: This level of Customer Service is all about strategy. Below are three more ways you can learn to "read your customer's mind."

1.Help customers to identify their needs. Some people don't plan for their needs until they become urgent. Convince them of the value of pre-planning. Understand in detail your customer's business to see where your product fits in.

2.Make it a group effort. Get together with your colleagues and share information about customers and their product or service requirements. Cooperation is the key to making your business successful. Discuss ideas on problem prevention. Share current resources of information about each cust-omer.

3.Explore all of the capabilities of your products in relation to each customer. You may find that your service or product can help customers in ways they hadn't imagined. Be sure your clients fully understand all of the uses for your product or service.

By using these strategies, you will gain loyal customers, increased sales and less stress from unforeseen problems.

Needs Based Selling - Reading Your Customer's Mind

ike Dandridge md@theperformancepro.com Mike is the founder of High Voltage Performance, a consulting firm that specializes in designing customer experiences for the industrial marketplace. He is a keynote speaker and a seminar leader with 25 years experience in electrical wholesale distribution. Dandridge is author of, The One Year Business Turnaround, a book based on his years in wholesale, containing a year’s worth of ideas for improving your customer service. You may reach Mike at 254-624-6299. Visit his Website at http://www.highvoltageperformance.com. Subscribe to his blog at http://www.businessturnaround.blogs.com.

A Character Analysis of Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

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What created Goodman Brown? A man so tormented by what even he considered to be a dream that it changed his life in a profound negative way forever. Goodman Brown was man plagued by his own conscious; he was someone who believed himself to have committed grave sin by meeting with the devil and participating in a witches meeting in his dreams. This spoke of an era where people were overcome with religious guilt and superstition. As a result of Brown's dream he suspected everyone in the town of being cohorts with the devil, in addition his superstition and questioning of his own self overcame his ability to trust or believe in anyone else. He died a bitter, unhappy, miserable man.

In order to fully understand the character of Young Goodman Brown we must first understand the era he comes from. Although Hawthorne does not state directly whether or not the plot of this story takes place in Salem in the seventeenth century, his references to other characters clearly imply it does. His references to Martha Carrier, Martha Cory, and Sarah Cloyse, all women hanged as witches in 1692; as well as his reference to King William who ruled England from 1650-1702 tell of this horrid time where people killed, tortured, burned, executed and suspected that everyone from their sister to there neighbor might be in contact with the devil. As a result of this environment of suspicion and paranoia Goodman might have felt as though his dream was in reality a lack of faith on his part. He may have felt so guilty for experiencing this dream that he thought he, as well as the people in his life were guilty of coercing with the devil.


Goodman Brown might have been Hawthorne's expression of his own struggles with his faith in humanity and himself. Hawthorne was a guilt ridden person and I believe that he had many instances when his faith was tested. Brown is Hawthorne to a lesser extent. Goodman Brown starts out as a good, happy, decent man; he seems very content. All of this changes when he decides against the advice of his wife faith (the symbolism is obvious here) that he should go out on a journey into the woods to meet with the devil. I believe path in the woods to be his continued decent into metaphorical as well as literal darkness. As he continues down the woods he reaches the pinnacle of his journey when he comes upon the witches meeting. Once Brown reaches this point he loses his faith despite his last ditch effort to save his wife. He never knows if he was able to save her. This doubt is what destroyed him.

Brown's motivation for meeting with the devil is never made absolutely clear and can only be speculated by the devil's references to others that have come into his fold. He speaks of the King, Goodman's father and grandfather, the deacon, minister and mayor. The devil makes it appear that everyone with any power, success or for that matter anyone that means anything to Goodman is in fact allied with Satan. Although Goodman resists the devils temptations at first; as more and more people are brought to his attention as being followers of the dark one, the idea becomes more acceptable. I believe Brown's motivation to meet with the devil was power; he wanted an advantage over others to achieve his goals. This may have contributed to his last ditch effort to save faith when he shouted "Look up to Heaven, and resist the Wicked One". When he arrived at the witches meeting he discovered that everyone already had the advantage of being on the wicked side and had already sold there souls for money, power, or prestige. He was able to see that nothing would put him ahead of anyone else by following through with his original task. He had nothing to win and everything to lose by making an alliance with the devil. Unfortunately for Young Goodman Brown it was too late for his soul to be saved. He reached the point of no return and not only didn't he reap any benefit from his ordeal but lost every bit of happiness he previously possessed.

Goodman Brown was a man destroyed by his own obsession. He lived a miserable life as a result of the guilt he felt for embarking on a dark journey in his dreams; which resulted in his suspicion of everyone and a lack of trust for individuals in his community, himself and humanity. The only way Goodman Brown would have been able to save his faith would have been to never embark on the dark path.

by John Schlismann

A Character Analysis of Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

John Schlismann has an interest in American Literature.

To read Young Goodman Brown goto:

25 Kasım 2012 Pazar

Paddler Makes First (Illegal) Descent Of Italy's Marmore Falls

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EpicTV posted an interesting story today that has me a bit conflicted. The article talks about the first descent of Marmore Falls in Italy by kayaker Dario Vanacore and even features some impressive photos from the stunt. The falls, which stand 165 meters (540 ft) in height, are amongst the tallest in all of Europe and are a popular tourist attraction as well. They feature a three-stepped drop and were partially carved by the Romans to help facilitate the flow of water into Rome, which gives them both a natural beauty and historical significance.

The problem is, paddling the falls is illegal and Vanacore had to take some clandestine maneuvers in order to go over the spectacular 25 meter (81 foot) section of the falls that he was able to successfully ran. According to EpicTV, Dario snuck onto the premises after dark and stashed his boat and paddling gear in an out of the way area. The next day he strolled into the area in his street clothes, slipped into the area where his kayak was hidden, changed into his paddling gear and went over the falls. Once at the bottom, he simply paddled away without any contact with the authorities.

Apparently Vanacore took the plunge six months ago, but because he didn't document his drop, he decided to go back and do it again. This time with photographers, and presumably a helmet cam, to capture the moment.  The image shown here and on EpicTV's website are from that second run down the Marmore.

So here is my conundrum. While I applaud these bold kayakers who make these impressive drops over these massive falls, I am a bit dismayed that Dario did this knowing full well that it is illegal. I think the paddlers who take these plunges must have nerves of steel and more guts than I would have, but I have a hard time condoning their actions when they are running a river (or falls) illegally. It is these kinds of actions that give outdoor athletes a bad name and cause others to be met with suspicion even when they aren't doing anything wrong. There is already enough opposition toward riding mountain bikes on certain trails, climbing on certain walls or paddling some rivers. We don't need to be giving fuel to any argument that prevents us from enjoying the outdoors because certain athletes want to climb, ride or paddle where they aren't suppose to be. See Dean Potter's climb of Delicate Arch from a few years back as an example.

I suspect that Vanacore may still receive a visit from the long arm of the law now that it is known that he is the one who made the illegal drop. If not, he should count himself lucky and move on. I salute him for his adventurous spirit but kindly request he keep future first descents on rivers and water falls that we are allowed to paddle.

Don't Forget the Yardage Chart

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The yardage chart is one of the handiest things to have for a round. Yardage charts are those hole-by-hole sketches of golf courses, which include details of the relative hole yardages at various points on the hole. They can highlight yardages from various points off the green, not merely the tee to green yardage of the hole that's noted on the main scorecard anyway.

A lot of course scorecards include small course yardage charts on the back of them. Note that you can note down additional yardage points onto them with a ruler and calculator if they lack details. Multiply the yardage total by percentages, and then note their relative yardage position on the hole yardage chart. For example, the half yardage of the hole would be 0.5 x total yardage.

However, some golf clubs may also have larger, more detailed, mini-booklets which provide details for the hole yardages, and will also highlight the relative positions of the bunkers, ponds etc more closely. If so, add the mini-booklet to your bag. They can provide much more detail than what might be included on the back of a scorecard.

Either way, you should have some sort of yardage chart for the round. Especially if you are unfamiliar with the course and its layout.

A more detailed hole yardage chart
which highlights a variety of yardages. 

Great U.S. Golf Courses

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There are some great golf courses in America, either private or public venues. Generally, they are regarded as some of the best golf courses you will find. So, here are a few of some of America's finest golf courses.


The Augusta golf course hosts the Masters golf championship each golf season. So undoubtedly, the Augusta course is a very hard championship golf course with some particularly notable holes. Hole twelve is one of the most notable holes on the course, known as Rae's Creek, where the creek passes by in front of the green and includes Ben Hogan's bridge crossing. Augusta is a scenic golf course with slick and fast greens. However, few actually play on this fine course largely reserved for the Masters golf championship.

Pebble Beach Golf Links

Pebble Beach, in California, is a golf course that plays alongside the Pacific Ocean. It is a par 72 golf course, approximately 6,828 yards overall. While Pebble Beach is a championship calibre golf course that has hosted US Opens, it is also open to public play. Many of the course's holes run along the Monetary coast line, with views of the ocean, and are susceptible to prevailing winds. Signature holes on the golf course include the seventh and eight holes. The eighth 416 yard par 4 hole includes an elevated landing area on a cliff above the green. While the 7th hole is the shortest on the course, at a little over 100 yards, the hole has a cliff-side green.

Pine Valley 

The golf course of Pine Valley is regarded as one of America's best courses. Overall, the course is a par 70 at 7,000 yards in length. Set in hundreds of acres of virgin woodland, the course is also one the trickiest. It is a golf course which has a fine collection of par 3 and par 5 golf holes, and a particularly notable 18th hole.

Cypress Point

Cypress Point's golf course is another fine course located at Pebble Beach, California. Like Pebble Beach links, it has some holes along the Pacific coast such as the 231 yard 16th hole which plays over the ocean. The first nine holes of the course run through the Del Monte forest, while the latter holes run out along the rocky Pacific coastline. Overall, it is regarded as one of America's best courses.


Oakmont is one of the more historic golf courses. Overall, it dates back to 1903 and has hosted a number of Major championships, including eight US Opens and three PGA Championships. It's a tricky golf course, with hard and slick greens, narrow fairways and a variety of deep bunkers. Notable holes include the third, which has church pew bunkers on the left and deep bunkers on the right side of the fairway, and the 1st long par 4 hole.

These are four great American golf courses. The Augusta and Pebble Beach courses are two fine courses that have hosted major championships, while Pine Valley and Cypress Point have some of the best finishing holes.

Needs Based Selling - Reading Your Customer's Mind

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... there is no subsitute for paying attention.

- Diane Sawyer


WALKING into the local grocery store the first week in January, I nearly tripped over a pallet of Slim Fast. I smiled at this excellent piece of "prophetic marketing" - knowing what the customer wants before she wants it.

The owner of this store knows that with each New Year nearly every American resolves to lose weight. The diet related products are in place on New Year's Eve. And he follows this marketing strategy all year long. In February, ice chests will line the high traffic areas within their stores. Outdoor accessories are on display weeks before spring arrives. School supplies are on the shelves by the end of June. This business owner anticipates each season months before its arrival.

How can you adapt prophetic marketing to your business? What seasons do your customers follow? Are they sports oriented? Do they own a boat? Do they follow the hunting seasons? Answering questions about your customers' seasonal inclinations will offer clues that enable you to anticipate their personal needs.

Another way to anticipate your customer's needs is to be sure you have everything required to use your product. For example, my wife went into a store to buy a mailbox. She picked out one made out of wood. An alert salesman pointed out that she would need to weatherproof the mailbox. He then proceeded to take her to each location for the other products she needed - sealant, sandpaper, brush, paint thinner.

Identifying what your customer wants before she wants it can place you in an invincible position. Any business can furnish customers what they want when they want it, but to give a customer what they want and how they want it before they actually want it, is Customer Service that knows no equal.

TURNAROUND TIP: This level of Customer Service is all about strategy. Below are three more ways you can learn to "read your customer's mind."

1.Help customers to identify their needs. Some people don't plan for their needs until they become urgent. Convince them of the value of pre-planning. Understand in detail your customer's business to see where your product fits in.

2.Make it a group effort. Get together with your colleagues and share information about customers and their product or service requirements. Cooperation is the key to making your business successful. Discuss ideas on problem prevention. Share current resources of information about each cust-omer.

3.Explore all of the capabilities of your products in relation to each customer. You may find that your service or product can help customers in ways they hadn't imagined. Be sure your clients fully understand all of the uses for your product or service.

By using these strategies, you will gain loyal customers, increased sales and less stress from unforeseen problems.

Needs Based Selling - Reading Your Customer's Mind

ike Dandridge md@theperformancepro.com Mike is the founder of High Voltage Performance, a consulting firm that specializes in designing customer experiences for the industrial marketplace. He is a keynote speaker and a seminar leader with 25 years experience in electrical wholesale distribution. Dandridge is author of, The One Year Business Turnaround, a book based on his years in wholesale, containing a year’s worth of ideas for improving your customer service. You may reach Mike at 254-624-6299. Visit his Website at http://www.highvoltageperformance.com. Subscribe to his blog at http://www.businessturnaround.blogs.com.